Born in Viareggio, Marco boasts a longstanding participation in the America’s Cup that includes one victory. In 2003 he joined Mascalzone Latino as electronics manager, participating in the Auckland edition the same year; in 2007 he participated in the 32nd edition with Luna Rossa and in 2010 he won his first America's Cup with Oracle. In 2012 he was an external consultant for the assembly of Luna Rossa's AC72 and in 2017 he collaborated on the installation of on-board systems for Team New Zealand (which won the 35th America's Cup). In 2021 he returned full time with Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli. Alongside his Cup work in 2016 he founded and managed his company "Donati Racing" specialized in electronics for racing hulls of several important racing projects that include the very recent My Song (Swan80), TP52, MiniMaxi, Neo570 etc. The 2024 America’s Cup will be his sixth participation. His favourite hobby is snowboarding.